Pour connaître les modalités concernant les visiteurs, accompagnateurs et proches aidants, consultez ces informations selon le secteur.
Français A cochlear implant is made up of two parts: one internal, the other external. The internal part is inserted under the skin behind the ear during a surgical procedure requiring general anaesthesia. The external part includes a speech processor linked to an antenna. The antenna has a magnet that allows it to be maintained towards the internal part, so that the contact can occur.
Here are the different models of internal part and sound processor you could be given. (These photos are courtesy of Advanced Bionics, Cochlear and MED-EL).
Advanced Bionics Cochlear MED-EL
Our team is currently working with four cochlear implant manufacturers: Advanced Bionics, Cochlear and MED-EL. Their technological products provide similar results. The audiologist will advise the patient for the choice of sound processor in consideration with his needs. Under exceptional circumstances, the choice is made by the surgeon if the patient presents certain medical conditions.
Téléphone : 1 418 691-5420
Local où se présenter : 1565-1
Télécopieur : 418 654-3485
Courriel : implant.cochleaire@chudequebec.ca
Local où se présenter : À la réception (entrée principale), 2975, chemin St-Louis, Québec (Qc) G1W 1P9
Téléphone : 1 418 529-9141 Poste #4848
Télécopieur : 418 626-3914
Courriel : implantcochleaire.irdpq.ciussscn@ssss.gouv.qc.ca
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